One of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac is a great success as a tattoo for both genders. There is a demand from all age groups. Given that people of this sign are creative creators, have the most powerful energy, they, like no other, need a reset. Rest they need.
When paired with the owner, the Virgo tattoo adjusts to him. For Virgo people, the symbol is a talisman. By the way, the power of the amulet is enhanced in the presence of the numbers 14, 5, 3. They are sacred for the sign.
People born between 23.08 and 22.09 are united by some common concepts. Such can be considered intuition, incredible connection with the universe, fluidity, impermanence, creative successes.
The Virgo symbol in tattooing and astrology
The symbol is performed in two variants. The simplest is the letter “M”. A more colorful will be the constellation Virgo tattoo. The semantic meaning depends on the choice of one of them. More often choose the second option.
It is believed that through the Virgo tattoo, people are connected to the energy flows of the cosmos. The constellation is also associated with an increase in wealth.
Astrologically, Virgo tattoos are an astrological pathway to artistic creation. These tattoo bearers are very charismatic and have the qualities of leadership, enjoy the goodwill of others. At the same time they do not lose their sober attitude to any situation, clearly plan their actions.
The tattoo of Virgo for women promotes the disclosure of creative potential, talents. Young girls can count on increased attractiveness. For adult ladies, the symbol also helps to enjoy all the benefits of their gender.
Tattooed areas
A person intuitively chooses the best place for a tattoo, but there are unwritten rules. For girls/women, the best place to put the image is on the back of the neck, behind the ear, in the cleavage area, on the shoulder. Men prefer to put the mark on the chest, forearm, along the calf muscle, thigh. Often the weaker sex chooses the abdomen and waist area for the drawing.
On the right biceps the Virgo tattoo directs the owner to creation, multiplication of creative successes.

Tattoo coloring
For the female sex, it is preferable to stuff the picture in color. The palette can include shades of blue, silver, gold, shades of pink.
For men, a black and white classic will do.
Virgo symbol for women and men
Tattoo of the Virgo zodiac sign in women awakens purely feminine qualities, such as femininity, innocence, vulnerability.
For men, the Virgo zodiac tattoo is interpreted as supporting the attractiveness, determination of the host. It speaks of ardor, almost narcissism. At the same time softens the character, although masculine qualities are strengthened.
Styles for tattoos
The simple Virgo tattoo style is graphic. It looks good when tattooed along the lines of the muscle. It will well emphasize the contours and curves of the silhouette.
For volumetric padding styles are suitable: realism, embossed image, watercolor and others. Such a tattoo is designed to decorate and accentuate. To get a volumetric drawing it is desirable to make an individual sketch of the Virgo tattoo. The variant looks great on a visible area of the body.
Additional elements of the tattoo
To enhance the magical action of the symbol of Virgo, it is recommended to complement the tattoo with sacred numbers, a special inscription. It is possible to include in the composition the date of birth of a person. It is desirable to write them in Roman numerals.
The tradition of paying attention to astrological phenomena is centuries old. In particular, taking note of the predictions of the zodiac sign. Someone believes in it more, someone less, but it will not be superfluous to have a talisman in the form of a tattoo according to your star.